
Difficulty Těžko

Duration 45-60 minut

Type of activity Zamudno

Season Pomlad,Poletje,Padec

Occasion Kadarkoli

Suitability Fyzično pripravljen

Locations Dejavnost na prostem



plišaste igrače

palica (kuhalnica)






Ta aktivnost je priljubljena pri predšolskih otrocih (poslavljanje). Otroci in starejši lahko pri tej igri med seboj tekmujejo, lahko pa si tudi pomagajo.

Intergenerational benefits

Understanding and relationship building

Understanding and relationship building

The activity promotes the understanding and appreciation of the attitudes, opinions, and experiences which different generations bring to the relationships, understanding and avoiding generational stereotypes and fostering tolerance of different lifestyles and an appreciation for cultural heritages, traditions and histories.

Intergenerational learning and skill sharing

Intergenerational learning and skill sharing

The activity promotes learning and skill sharing among younger and older generations. It involves the sharing of positive resources that the young and old have to offer each other, especially the experience with novelties of modern times and valuable life lessons as well as cultural and familiar traditions.

Health and wellbeing

Health and wellbeing

The activity promotes physical and mental well-being. It has a positive impact on the quality of life (feeling of self-worth and a reduction in loneliness and isolation, promotion of physical and cognitive activity).

Personal impact

Personal impact

Developing soft skills (like empathy, confidence, communication abilities, learning skills) and developing their own strengths and talents.

Cognitive skills

Cognitive skills

Supporting mental / brain-based skills we need to do anything from the simplest to the most complex tasks:perception, attention, memory, motor skills, language, visual and spatial processing, executive functions.

Community involvement

Community involvement

The activity increases confidence and involvement within the community. It offers a starting point that could have a positive impact within the community.

Step by Step

  1. 1- Ovijanje vrvice (tekmovanje) Pripravite tri vrvice neke dolžine.
  2. Na eno stran vrvice pritrdite plišasto igračo ali podoben predmet.
  3. Na drugo stran vrvice pritrdite svinčnik ali palico.
  4. Igralci lahko med igro sedijo ali stojijo.
  5. Na tla položite vrvice s pritrjenimi predmeti, tako da ležijo skupaj oz. v isti liniji.
  6. Igralci morajo nato vrvico ovijati okoli igrače, vse dokler ne navijejo celotne dolžine vrvice. Kdo uspe prvi, lahko vstane in tako ostalim sporoči svojo zmago.
  7. 2- Metanje žog ali obročev na tarče.
  8. Igralci žoge ali obroče mečejo z označenega ozhodišča, pri tem pa poskušajo zadeti tarčo.
  9. Med metanjem lahko sedijo ali stojijo.
  10. Zmaga tisti, ki žogo ali obroč vrže najbližje tarči.
  11. 3 - Keglji (če nimate kegljev, lahko uporabite tudi plastenke, ki jih napolnite z vodo).
  12. Keglje (plastenke) poskušajte podreti z metanjem žoge. Igralci lahko pri tem sedijo ali stojijo.
  13. Zmaga tisti igralec, ki podre največ kegljev (plastenk).
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