
Difficulty Difficult

Duration 30-40 minutes

Type of activity Long term activities

Season Spring,Summer,Fall

Occasion Any

Suitability Physically fit

Locations Outdoor



strong and straight branches

pieces of boards or planks


round timber



sand. soil and other natural materials which can be used and is available


The objective is to have collective experience and share feelings of something unique. In nearby natural area such as park, you can easily prepare path using natural materials. Sand can follow cones, pebbles even gras. During the game can participants describe their feelings, try to compare it with similar experience for example sand by sea, lawn in the garden etc.

Intergenerational benefits

Understanding and relationship building

Understanding and relationship building

The activity promotes the understanding and appreciation of the attitudes, opinions, and experiences which different generations bring to the relationships, understanding and avoiding generational stereotypes and fostering tolerance of different lifestyles and an appreciation for cultural heritages, traditions and histories.

Intergenerational learning and skill sharing

Intergenerational learning and skill sharing

The activity promotes learning and skill sharing among younger and older generations. It involves the sharing of positive resources that the young and old have to offer each other, especially the experience with novelties of modern times and valuable life lessons as well as cultural and familiar traditions.

Health and wellbeing

Health and wellbeing

The activity promotes physical and mental well-being. It has a positive impact on the quality of life (feeling of self-worth and a reduction in loneliness and isolation, promotion of physical and cognitive activity).

Personal impact

Personal impact

Developing soft skills (like empathy, confidence, communication abilities, learning skills) and developing their own strengths and talents.

Cognitive skills

Cognitive skills

Supporting mental / brain-based skills we need to do anything from the simplest to the most complex tasks:perception, attention, memory, motor skills, language, visual and spatial processing, executive functions.

Community involvement

Community involvement

The activity increases confidence and involvement within the community. It offers a starting point that could have a positive impact within the community.

Step by Step

  1. To build your own path use laths to create low fencing which can contain different types of material. It is not a condition to use laths, adapt your path to the conditions in your neighborhood. For comfortable walk, make the path 0,7 - 1 m wide and each segment 1,5 - 4 m long.
  2. The participants take off their shoes and form pairs (child and senior). Path shall be wide enough for comfortable walk.
  3. In case that your own barefoot path is too demanding, try to find already existing path close by or just take a barefoot walk in park or woods, experiencing different surfaces.
Shown: 4x

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